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Initializing ClientAI

This guide covers the process of initializing ClientAI with different AI providers. You'll learn how to set up ClientAI for use with OpenAI, Replicate, and Ollama.

Table of Contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. OpenAI Initialization
  3. Replicate Initialization
  4. Ollama Initialization
  5. Multiple Provider Initialization
  6. Best Practices


Before initializing ClientAI, ensure you have:

  1. Installed ClientAI: pip install clientai[all]
  2. Obtained necessary API keys for the providers you plan to use
  3. Basic understanding of Python and asynchronous programming

OpenAI Initialization

To initialize ClientAI with OpenAI:

from clientai import ClientAI

openai_client = ClientAI('openai', api_key="your-openai-api-key")

Replace "your-openai-api-key" with your actual OpenAI API key.

Replicate Initialization

To initialize ClientAI with Replicate:

from clientai import ClientAI

replicate_client = ClientAI('replicate', api_key="your-replicate-api-key")

Replace "your-replicate-api-key" with your actual Replicate API key.

Ollama Initialization

To initialize ClientAI with Ollama:

from clientai import ClientAI

ollama_client = ClientAI('ollama', host="http://localhost:11434")

Ensure that you have Ollama running locally on the specified host.

Multiple Provider Initialization

You can initialize multiple providers in the same script:

from clientai import ClientAI

openai_client = ClientAI('openai', api_key="your-openai-api-key")
replicate_client = ClientAI('replicate', api_key="your-replicate-api-key")
ollama_client = ClientAI('ollama', host="http://localhost:11434")

Best Practices

  1. Environment Variables: Store API keys in environment variables instead of hardcoding them in your script:
import os
from clientai import ClientAI

openai_client = ClientAI('openai', api_key=os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY'))
  1. Error Handling: Wrap initialization in a try-except block to handle potential errors:
    client = ClientAI('openai', api_key="your-openai-api-key")
except ValueError as e:
    print(f"Error initializing ClientAI: {e}")
  1. Configuration Files: For projects with multiple providers, consider using a configuration file:
import json
from clientai import ClientAI

with open('config.json') as f:
    config = json.load(f)

openai_client = ClientAI('openai', **config['openai'])
replicate_client = ClientAI('replicate', **config['replicate'])
  1. Lazy Initialization: If you're not sure which provider you'll use, initialize clients only when needed:
def get_client(provider):
    if provider == 'openai':
        return ClientAI('openai', api_key="your-openai-api-key")
    elif provider == 'replicate':
        return ClientAI('replicate', api_key="your-replicate-api-key")
    # ... other providers ...

# Use the client when needed
client = get_client('openai')

By following these initialization guidelines, you'll be well-prepared to start using ClientAI with various AI providers in your projects.