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Error Handling in ClientAI

ClientAI provides a robust error handling system that unifies exceptions across different AI providers. This guide covers how to handle potential errors when using ClientAI.

Table of Contents

  1. Exception Hierarchy
  2. Handling Errors
  3. Provider-Specific Error Mapping
  4. Best Practices

Exception Hierarchy

ClientAI uses a custom exception hierarchy to provide consistent error handling across different AI providers:

from clientai.exceptions import (
  • ClientAIError: Base exception class for all ClientAI errors.
  • AuthenticationError: Raised when there's an authentication problem with the AI provider.
  • RateLimitError: Raised when the AI provider's rate limit is exceeded.
  • InvalidRequestError: Raised when the request to the AI provider is invalid.
  • ModelError: Raised when there's an issue with the specified model.
  • TimeoutError: Raised when a request to the AI provider times out.
  • APIError: Raised when there's an API-related error from the AI provider.

Handling Errors

Here's how to handle potential errors when using ClientAI:

from clientai import ClientAI
from clientai.exceptions import (

client = ClientAI('openai', api_key="your-openai-api-key")

    response = client.generate_text("Tell me a joke", model="gpt-3.5-turbo")
    print(f"Generated text: {response}")
except AuthenticationError as e:
    print(f"Authentication error: {e}")
except RateLimitError as e:
    print(f"Rate limit exceeded: {e}")
except InvalidRequestError as e:
    print(f"Invalid request: {e}")
except ModelError as e:
    print(f"Model error: {e}")
except TimeoutError as e:
    print(f"Request timed out: {e}")
except APIError as e:
    print(f"API error: {e}")
except ClientAIError as e:
    print(f"An unexpected ClientAI error occurred: {e}")

Provider-Specific Error Mapping

ClientAI maps provider-specific errors to its custom exception hierarchy. For example:


def _map_exception_to_clientai_error(self, e: Exception) -> None:
    error_message = str(e)
    status_code = getattr(e, 'status_code', None)

    if isinstance(e, OpenAIAuthenticationError) or "incorrect api key" in error_message.lower():
        raise AuthenticationError(error_message, status_code, original_error=e)
    elif status_code == 429 or "rate limit" in error_message.lower():
        raise RateLimitError(error_message, status_code, original_error=e)
    elif status_code == 404 or "not found" in error_message.lower():
        raise ModelError(error_message, status_code, original_error=e)
    elif status_code == 400 or "invalid" in error_message.lower():
        raise InvalidRequestError(error_message, status_code, original_error=e)
    elif status_code == 408 or "timeout" in error_message.lower():
        raise TimeoutError(error_message, status_code, original_error=e)
    elif status_code and status_code >= 500:
        raise APIError(error_message, status_code, original_error=e)

    raise ClientAIError(error_message, status_code, original_error=e)


def _map_exception_to_clientai_error(self, e: Exception, status_code: int = None) -> ClientAIError:
    error_message = str(e)
    status_code = status_code or getattr(e, 'status_code', None)

    if "authentication" in error_message.lower() or "unauthorized" in error_message.lower():
        return AuthenticationError(error_message, status_code, original_error=e)
    elif "rate limit" in error_message.lower():
        return RateLimitError(error_message, status_code, original_error=e)
    elif "not found" in error_message.lower():
        return ModelError(error_message, status_code, original_error=e)
    elif "invalid" in error_message.lower():
        return InvalidRequestError(error_message, status_code, original_error=e)
    elif "timeout" in error_message.lower() or status_code == 408:
        return TimeoutError(error_message, status_code, original_error=e)
    elif status_code == 400:
        return InvalidRequestError(error_message, status_code, original_error=e)
        return APIError(error_message, status_code, original_error=e)

Best Practices

  1. Specific Exception Handling: Catch specific exceptions when you need to handle them differently.

  2. Logging: Log errors for debugging and monitoring purposes.

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    response = client.generate_text("Tell me a joke", model="gpt-3.5-turbo")
except ClientAIError as e:
    logger.error(f"An error occurred: {e}", exc_info=True)
  1. Retry Logic: Implement retry logic for transient errors like rate limiting.
import time
from clientai.exceptions import RateLimitError

def retry_generate(prompt, model, max_retries=3, delay=1):
    for attempt in range(max_retries):
            return client.generate_text(prompt, model=model)
        except RateLimitError as e:
            if attempt == max_retries - 1:
            wait_time = e.retry_after if hasattr(e, 'retry_after') else delay * (2 ** attempt)
            logger.warning(f"Rate limit reached. Waiting for {wait_time} seconds...")
  1. Graceful Degradation: Implement fallback options when errors occur.
def generate_with_fallback(prompt, primary_client, fallback_client):
        return primary_client.generate_text(prompt, model="gpt-3.5-turbo")
    except ClientAIError as e:
        logger.warning(f"Primary client failed: {e}. Falling back to secondary client.")
        return fallback_client.generate_text(prompt, model="llama-2-70b-chat")

By following these practices and utilizing ClientAI's unified error handling system, you can create more robust and maintainable applications that gracefully handle errors across different AI providers.