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ClientAI Tutorial: Building an AI Dungeon Master

In this tutorial, we'll walk through the process of creating an AI-powered Dungeon Master using the ClientAI package. We'll explain each concept in detail and build our game step-by-step, providing context for every decision we make, both technical and gameplay-related.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting Up the Project
    2.5 Creating the Project Structure
  3. Creating the Game Structure
  4. Integrating Multiple AI Providers
  5. Developing the Enhanced AI Dungeon Master
  6. Main Script that Runs the Game
  7. Running the Game
  8. Conclusion and Further Improvements

1. Introduction

ClientAI is a Python package that provides a unified interface for interacting with multiple AI providers. In this tutorial, we'll use ClientAI to create an AI Dungeon Master that can generate story elements, NPC dialogues, and dynamic environments using different AI models.

Our AI Dungeon Master will be a text-based role-playing game (RPG) where the game's content is dynamically generated by AI. This approach allows for infinite replayability and unique experiences for each player.

We'll focus on explaining both technical decisions (such as class structures and AI interactions) and gameplay decisions (like character creation and game mechanics).

The final result is available in this github repo.

2. Setting Up the Project

First, let's set up our project and install the necessary dependencies.

  1. Create a new directory for your project:
mkdir ai_dungeon_master
cd ai_dungeon_master
  1. Install ClientAI and its dependencies:

    If you want to use poetry, you may skip this part.

pip install clientai[all]

This command installs ClientAI with support for all providers. If you only need specific providers, you can install them individually (e.g., pip install clientai[openai] for just OpenAI support).

  1. Install additional dependencies:

    If you want to use poetry, you may also skip this part.

We'll need some additional packages for our project.

pip install requests
  • requests: For making HTTP requests to check if the local AI servers are running.

  • Install Ollama:

Ollama is a local AI model server that we'll use to run the Llama 3 model. Follow these steps to install Ollama:

  • For macOS or Linux:

    curl -fsSL | sh

  • For Windows: Download the installer from the Ollama GitHub releases page and follow the installation instructions.

  • Pull the Llama 3 model from Ollama:

After installing Ollama, you need to download the Llama 3 model. Run the following command:

ollama pull llama3

This command will download and set up the Llama 3 model for use with Ollama. The download might take some time depending on your internet connection.

These imports will be used throughout our project:

  • random: For generating random numbers and making random choices.
  • subprocess: For starting and managing subprocesses like local AI servers.
  • time: For adding delays and managing timeouts.
  • requests: For making HTTP requests to check server availability.
  • logging: For logging information and errors.
  • ClientAI: The main class from the ClientAI package that we'll use to interact with AI providers.

2.5 Creating the Project Structure

Before we dive into the code, let's set up a proper project structure. This will help us organize our code and make it easier to maintain and expand in the future.

  1. Create the following directory structure:
├── pyproject.toml
├── .gitignore
├── .env
└── ai_dungeon_master/
    ├── game/
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    ├── ai/
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    └── utils/
  1. Create a pyproject.toml file in the root directory with the following content:

    If you're using pip directly, you may skip this part

name = "clientai-dungeon-master"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "An AI-powered dungeon master for text-based RPG adventures"
authors = ["Your Name <>"]
readme = ""
packages = [{include = "clientai_dungeon_master"}]

python = "^3.11"
clientai = "^0.1.2"
requests = "^2.32.3"
python-decouple = "^3.8"

requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"

and run

poetry install
  1. Create a .gitignore file in the root directory with the following content:
# Python

# Poetry

# Environment variables

# IDEs

# Logs

# OS generated files
  1. Create a .env file in the root directory to store your API keys:

Remember to replace your_openai_api_key_here and your_replicate_api_key_here with your actual API keys.

  1. Move the relevant code into the appropriate files based on the new structure.

This structure separates concerns, making the code more modular and easier to maintain. It also sets up the project for potential future expansion, such as adding more game features or integrating additional AI providers.

3. Creating the Game Structure

Before integrating AI, we'll create the basic structure of our game. This includes classes to represent the character, game state, and AI providers.

Character Class

The Character class represents the player's character in the game. It stores essential character information like name, race, class, background story, and stats.

class Character:
    def __init__(self, name: str, race: str, class_type: str, background: str, stats: dict): = name
        self.race = race
        self.class_type = class_type
        self.background = background
        self.stats = stats

    def __str__(self):
        return f"Name: {}, Race: {self.race}, Class: {self.class_type}, Background: {self.background}, Stats: {self.stats}"

Here we define a character with attributes like a name, race, class, background and stats (like Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom). This is really simple, but will be enough to customize what happens in the story.

We'll also define the __str__ method to be able to print the character's details easily.

GameState Class

The GameState class keeps track of the game's current state, including the character's status, location, inventory, health, experience, and quests.

from typing import Optional

from .character import Character

class GameState:
    def __init__(self, character: Character):
        self.character = character
        self.location = "entrance"
        self.inventory = [] = 100
        self.experience = 0
        self.quests = []

    def update(self, location: Optional[str] = None, item: Optional[str] = None, health_change: int = 0, exp_gain: int = 0, quest: Optional[str] = None):
        if location:
            self.location = location
        if item:
            self.inventory.append(item) = max(0, min(100, + health_change))
        self.experience += exp_gain
        if quest:

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{str(self.character)}\nLocation: {self.location}, Health: {}, XP: {self.experience}, Inventory: {', '.join(self.inventory)}, Quests: {', '.join(self.quests)}"

We keep track of the state to keep a more consistent experience, we can't expect this to be always generated by the llm. We need to pass the game state as a guide to generate the content.

The update method allows easy updates to the game state, we'll keep health within 0 to 100, and add an inventory and quests to add more depth to the game.

4. Integrating Multiple AI Providers

We'll use ClientAI to create a class that manages interactions with different AI providers. This abstraction allows us to switch between providers seamlessly.

AIProviders Class

from typing import List

from clientai import ClientAI

class AIProviders:
    def __init__(self):
        self.openai = ClientAI('openai', api_key=openai_token)
        self.replicate = ClientAI('replicate', api_key=replicate_token)
        self.ollama = ClientAI('ollama', host="http://localhost:11434")

    def chat(
        messages: List[dict],
        provider: str = 'openai',
        if provider == 'openai':
            return, model=openai_model, stream=True)
        elif provider == 'replicate':
            return, model=replicate_model, stream=True)
        elif provider == 'ollama':
            return, model=ollama_model, stream=True)
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown provider: {provider}")

We create instances of ClientAI for each provider with the necessary API keys or host information, then abstract the chat method to allow for easy switching between AI providers.

We are going to use ClientAI to use multiple AI models from different providers, since we want to find what is the best model for each task balancing performance and costs.

Managing API Keys with python-decouple and a .env File

To securely handle your API keys without exposing them in your codebase, you can use the python-decouple package and store your keys in a .env file. This approach keeps sensitive information out of your code and version control.

  1. Install python-decouple: You may skip this if you used poetry
pip install python-decouple
  1. Create a .env File: In your project's root directory, make sure the .env has your API keys:

Replace your_openai_api_key_here and your_replicate_api_key_here with your actual API keys.

  1. Ensure .env is added to .gitignore: To prevent the .env file from being tracked by version control, ensure it is in your .gitignore file:
# .gitignore

This ensures your API keys remain private and aren't pushed to repositories like GitHub.

  1. Access the API Keys in Your Code: Import config from decouple and retrieve the API keys:
from decouple import config

openai_token = config('OPENAI_API_KEY')
replicate_token = config('REPLICATE_API_KEY')

Now, you can use these variables when initializing your AI providers.

  1. Update the AIProviders Class:
    from typing import List
    from clientai import ClientAI
    from decouple import config
    openai_token = config('OPENAI_API_KEY')
    replicate_token = config('REPLICATE_API_KEY')he ol
    class AIProviders:
        def __init__(self):
            self.openai = ClientAI('openai', api_key=openai_token)
            self.replicate = ClientAI('replicate', api_key=replicate_token)
            self.ollama = ClientAI('ollama', host="http://localhost:11434")

Managing AI Servers

We need to ensure that local AI servers (like Ollama) are running before the game starts, so let's define a function to start ollama.

import subprocess
import time
import requests
import logging


def start_ollama_server(timeout: int = 30, check_interval: float = 1.0):
    Start the Ollama server and wait for it to be ready.
    """"Starting Ollama server...")

        process = subprocess.Popen(
            ['ollama', 'serve'],
    except subprocess.SubprocessError as e:
        logging.error(f"Failed to start Ollama process: {e}")

    start_time = time.time()
    while time.time() - start_time < timeout:
            response = requests.get('http://localhost:11434', timeout=5)
            if response.status_code == 200:
      "Ollama server is ready.")
                return process
        except requests.ConnectionError:
        except requests.RequestException as e:
            logging.error(f"Unexpected error when checking Ollama server: {e}")

        if process.poll() is not None:
            stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
            logging.error(f"Ollama process terminated unexpectedly. stdout: {stdout}, stderr: {stderr}")
            raise subprocess.SubprocessError("Ollama process terminated unexpectedly")


    raise TimeoutError(f"Ollama server did not start within {timeout} seconds")

By managing the server startup within the code, we reduce the setup burden on the player.

5. Developing the Enhanced AI Dungeon Master

Now we'll develop the main class that controls the game logic and interactions with AI models.

EnhancedAIDungeonMaster Class

from typing import Tuple, List
import random
import time

from ai.ai_providers import AIProviders
from utils.text_utils import print_separator
from game.character import Character
from game.game_state import GameState

class EnhancedAIDungeonMaster:
    def __init__(self): = AIProviders()
        self.conversation_history = []
        self.game_state = None

    # Methods will be added here...

Creating the Character

We need a method to create the player's character. We'll use AI to do this automatically for us:

class EnhancedAIDungeonMaster:
    def create_character(self):
        print("Let's create your character!")
        name = input("What is your character's name? ")

        # We start by defining a prompt
        character_prompt = f"""
        Create a character for a fantasy RPG with the following details:
        Name: {name}

        Please provide:
        1. A suitable race (e.g., Human, Elf, Dwarf, etc.)
        2. A class (e.g., Warrior, Mage, Rogue, etc.)
        3. A brief background story (2-3 sentences)
        4. Basic stats (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma) on a scale of 1-20

        Format the response as follows:
        Race: [race]
        Class: [class]
        Background: [background story]
        - Strength: [value]
        - Dexterity: [value]
        - Constitution: [value]
        - Intelligence: [value]
        - Wisdom: [value]
        - Charisma: [value]

        # And we add this prompt to our chat history
        self.add_to_history("user", character_prompt)
        character_info = self.print_stream(, provider='openai'))

        # Parse the character info
        lines = character_info.strip().split('\n')
        race = class_type = background = ""
        stats = {}

        for line in lines:
            if line.startswith("Race:"):
                race = line.split(": ", 1)[1].strip()
            elif line.startswith("Class:"):
                class_type = line.split(": ", 1)[1].strip()
            elif line.startswith("Background:"):
                background = line.split(": ", 1)[1].strip()
            elif ":" in line and not line.startswith("Stats:"):
                key, value = line.split(":", 1)
                key = key.strip("- ")
                    stats[key] = int(value.strip())
                except ValueError:
                    stats[key] = random.randint(1, 20)

        # Just in case, let's ensure it'the player has stats
        # If any stat is missing, assign a random value
        for stat in ["Strength", "Dexterity", "Constitution", "Intelligence", "Wisdom", "Charisma"]:
            if stat not in stats:
                stats[stat] = random.randint(1, 20)

        # And let's also ensure other required attributes are assigned
        # If race, class, or background is empty, assign default values
        race = race or "Human"
        class_type = class_type or "Adventurer"
        background = background or "A mysterious traveler with an unknown past."

        return Character(name, race, class_type, background, stats)

We'll use GPT 4o mini to create initial stuff we need, like the race, class, background etc, and extract the information from the generated content to handle errors.

Note that since we are leaving this information to the LLM, the name will influence the attributes. If you need a more consistently random generation, do it in the python code and just pass it to the prompt.

Maintaining Conversation History

To provide context to the AI, we maintain a conversation history.

class EnhancedAIDungeonMaster:
    def add_to_history(self, role: str, content: str):
        if not self.conversation_history or self.conversation_history[-1]['content'] != content:
            self.conversation_history.append({"role": role, "content": content})
            if len(self.conversation_history) > 10:
                self.conversation_history = self.conversation_history[-10:]

Here we will ensure we don't add the same message twice. Plus, we are limiting the conversation history to 10 messages to prevent exceeding token limits.

Generating the Environment

Next, let's create detailed environments to enhance the imersion.

class EnhancedAIDungeonMaster:
    def generate_environment(self):
        if not hasattr(self, 'current_environment'):
            prompt = f"""
            The character {} is a {self.game_state.character.race} {self.game_state.character.class_type} 
            currently in the {self.game_state.location}.

            Describe the current environment in detail, focusing on:
            1. The physical setting and atmosphere
            2. Any notable NPCs present
            3. Interesting objects or features

            Do not create a new character or change any existing character details.
            Do not include any actions or dialogue for {}.

            End your description with one of these tags if appropriate:
            [INTERACT_OPPORTUNITY] - if there's a chance for the player to interact with someone or something
            [QUEST_OPPORTUNITY] - if there's a potential quest or mission available
            self.add_to_history("user", prompt)
            self.current_environment =, provider='openai')
        return self.current_environment

Here we instruct the AI to provide specific details, and we use tags for opportunities. We'll parse these tags INTERACT_OPPORTUNITY and QUEST_OPPORTUNITY later to perform other actions.

We'll also store the environment description to avoid regenerating it unnecessarily.

Handling Player Actions

Now let's process the player's actions and generate outcomes. We'll run this one locally with ollama.

class EnhancedAIDungeonMaster:
    def handle_player_action(self, action):
        prompt = f"""
        The player ({}, a {self.game_state.character.race} {self.game_state.character.class_type}) 
        attempts to {action} in {self.game_state.location}. 
        Describe the immediate result of this action, focusing on the environment and NPCs' reactions.
        Do not generate any further actions or dialogue for {}.
        If the player is trying to interact with an NPC, end your response with [NPC_INTERACTION: <npc_name>].
        self.add_to_history("user", prompt)
        return, provider='ollama')

Here we pass what the player wants to do to the AI and generate the outcomes for the players actions. We are also using a tag here for interactions, so we can process those in a different way.

Generating NPC Dialogue

Next, let's create a function to generate a dialogue with an npc. We'll use replicate with llama3 8b for this.

class EnhancedAIDungeonMaster:
    def generate_npc_dialogue(self, npc_name: str, player_input: str):
        prompt = f"""
        The player ({}) said to {npc_name}: "{player_input}"
        Generate a single, natural response from {npc_name}, addressing the player's input directly.
        If the player is asking about items for sale, list 2-3 specific items with brief descriptions and prices.
        Do not include any actions or responses from the player character.
        Keep the response concise and relevant to the player's input.
        Do not include any formatting tags, headers, or quotation marks in your response.
        Respond as if you are {npc_name} speaking directly to the player.
        self.add_to_history("user", prompt)
        return, provider='replicate')

Note that in the prompt we ensure the AI provides responses that are in character and appropriate, so we can pass this directly to the player.

Handling Conversations

We manage conversations with NPCs in a separate method. We start with a conversation loop, to allow the player to have a back-and-forth dialogue with an NPC, and we reset the conversation history to focus the AI on the dialogue.

class EnhancedAIDungeonMaster:
    def handle_conversation(self, npc_name):
        print(f"\nYou are now in conversation with {npc_name}.")
        self.conversation_history = [
            {"role": "system", "content": f"You are {npc_name}, speaking directly to the player. Respond naturally and in character."}
        while True:
            player_input = input(f"\nWhat do you say to {npc_name}? (or type 'end conversation' to stop): ")
            if player_input.lower() == "end conversation":
                print(f"\nYou end your conversation with {npc_name}.")

            self.print_stream(self.generate_npc_dialogue(npc_name, player_input))

We also add the possibility for the player to end the conversation at any time.

Updating the Game State

We update the game state based on the outcomes provided by the AI.

class EnhancedAIDungeonMaster:
    def update_game_state(self, outcome):
        if "found" in outcome.lower():
            item = outcome.split("found")[1].split(".")[0].strip()
        if "new area" in outcome.lower():
            new_location = outcome.split("new area")[1].split(".")[0].strip()
        if "damage" in outcome.lower():
        if "healed" in outcome.lower():
        if "quest" in outcome.lower():
            quest = outcome.split("quest")[1].split(".")[0].strip()

This is a simpler way to do it, but we will just look for keywords in the AI's response to determine what changes to make. This isn't the most consistent way to do it, but is easy to do and will easily allow the game to respond to the player's actions, making the experience feel more dynamic.

Processing Story Elements

Let's process the AI-generated story to extract content and any special flags.

class EnhancedAIDungeonMaster:
    def process_story(self, story_generator) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]:
        story = self.print_stream(story_generator, print_output=True)
        story_lines = story.split('\n')

        flags = []
        for line in reversed(story_lines):
            if line.strip().startswith('[') and line.strip().endswith(']'):

        story_content = '\n'.join(story_lines).strip()

        if any(flag.startswith("NPC_INTERACTION:") for flag in flags):
            npc_name = next(flag.split(':')[1].strip() for flag in flags if flag.startswith("NPC_INTERACTION:"))
            return story_content, npc_name
            return story_content, flags

Here is where we'll actually separates the special tags we defined earlier from the story content and ensure the player sees a coherent story without tags.

Printing Streamed Content

We also don't want to wait until the whole content is generated to print, so let's define a function to display the AI's response in real-time, simulating typing.

class EnhancedAIDungeonMaster:
    def print_stream(self, stream, print_output=True) -> str:
        full_text = ""
        for chunk in stream:
            if print_output:
                print(chunk, end='', flush=True)
            full_text += chunk
        if print_output:
        return full_text

Main Game Loop

Finally, we bring everything together in the play_game method.

class EnhancedAIDungeonMaster:
    def play_game(self):
        print("Welcome to the Dungeon!")
        character = self.create_character()
        self.game_state = GameState(character)

        print("\nYour adventure begins...")
        while True:
            environment_description, env_flags = self.process_story(self.generate_environment())

            if "INTERACT_OPPORTUNITY" in env_flags:
                print("\nThere seems to be an opportunity to interact.")
            if "QUEST_OPPORTUNITY" in env_flags:
                print("\nThere might be a quest available.")

            action = input("\nWhat do you do? ")
            if action.lower() == "quit":

            outcome, npc_interaction = self.process_story(self.handle_player_action(action))


            if npc_interaction:

            print(f"Current state: {str(self.game_state)}")

            if <= 0:
                print("Game Over! Your health reached 0.")

            if hasattr(self, 'current_environment'):
                del self.current_environment

The game loop continuously processes player actions and updates the game state, new environments are generated to keep the game dynamic and the player is allowed to quit whenever they want.

Plus, the game is over if health reaches zero.

Helper Methods

Let's also create some methods for improved user experience, we want to separate content to make it easier to see and also create a print_slowly to simulate streamed content in important messages.

import time

def print_separator(self):
    print("\n" + "=" * 50 + "\n")

def print_slowly(text, delay=0.03):
    for char in text:
        print(char, end='', flush=True)

6. Main Script that Runs the Game

At our main script, we initialize and start the game.

from game.dungeon_master import EnhancedAIDungeonMaster
from utils.text_utils import print_slowly
from ai.ollama_server import start_ollama_server

def main():
    print_slowly("Welcome to the AI Dungeon Master!")
    print_slowly("Prepare for an adventure guided by multiple AI models.")
    print_slowly("Type 'quit' at any time to exit the game.")

    # Start the Ollama server before the game begins
    ollama_process = start_ollama_server()

    game = EnhancedAIDungeonMaster()

    print_slowly("Thank you for playing AI Dungeon Master!")

    # Terminate the Ollama server when the game ends
    if ollama_process:

if __name__ == "__main__":

7. Running the Game

  1. Ensure you're in the root directory of the project.

  2. Run the game using Poetry:

poetry run python ai_dungeon_master/

Or directly if you used pip:

python ai_dungeon_master/

This command will execute the file, which should contain the game initialization and main loop.

8. Conclusion and Further Improvements

Congratulations! You've now created an AI Dungeon Master using the ClientAI package. This project demonstrates how to integrate multiple AI providers and manage game logic to create a dynamic and engaging text-based RPG.

Potential Improvements:

  1. Error Handling: Implement try-except blocks to handle exceptions and improve robustness.
  2. Saving and Loading: Add functionality to save and load game states.
  3. Combat System: Develop a combat system that uses character stats and AI to determine outcomes.
  4. Quest Management: Create a more complex quest system with objectives and rewards.
  5. Multiplayer: Explore options for multiplayer interactions.
  6. User Interface: Develop a GUI for a more user-friendly experience.
  7. AI Fine-Tuning: Customize AI models for more consistent and relevant responses.

8. Conclusion and Further Improvements

Congratulations! You've now created an AI Dungeon Master using the ClientAI package. This project demonstrates how to integrate multiple AI providers and manage game logic to create a dynamic and engaging text-based RPG.

Potential Improvements:

  1. Error Handling: Implement try-except blocks to handle exceptions and improve robustness.
  2. Saving and Loading: Add functionality to save and load game states.
  3. Combat System: Develop a combat system that uses character stats and AI to determine outcomes.
  4. Quest Management: Create a more complex quest system with objectives and rewards.
  5. Multiplayer: Explore options for multiplayer interactions.
  6. User Interface: Develop a GUI for a more user-friendly experience.
  7. AI Fine-Tuning: Customize AI models for more consistent and relevant responses.

By implementing these improvements and exploring the agent-based approach, you can further enhance the gameplay experience and create an even more immersive and engaging AI-driven RPG.