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Advanced Overview

This section provides in-depth guides on leveraging specific features of ClientAI and provider-specific functionalities. Each topic delves into a particular aspect of usage or focuses on a specific provider's unique capabilities.

Provider-Specific Parameters

Different AI providers offer unique parameters and features. Understanding these can help you fine-tune your AI interactions for optimal results.

  1. Ollama Specific Guide: Learn about Ollama's unique parameters, including context handling, streaming options, and custom templates.

  2. OpenAI Specific Guide: Explore OpenAI's advanced features, such as logit bias and model-specific parameters.

  3. Replicate Specific Guide: Discover Replicate's distinctive offerings, including model versioning and custom deployment options.

Advanced Usage Topics

  1. Optimizing Performance: Tips and tricks for improving response time, reducing token usage, and enhancing overall efficiency.

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  2. Handling Long Conversations: Strategies for managing context in extended dialogues and multi-turn interactions.

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  3. Custom Prompting Techniques: Advanced prompting methods to extract more accurate and relevant responses from AI models.

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  4. Error Handling and Retry Strategies: Best practices for gracefully managing API errors and implementing effective retry mechanisms.

  5. Security and Privacy Considerations: Guidelines for ensuring data security and maintaining user privacy when working with AI APIs.

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Each guide in this section is designed to provide you with a deeper understanding of ClientAI's capabilities and how to leverage them effectively in your projects.